Orientation Week & Events

Get ready for one of your most memorable years at Western. We’ve got the largest orientation in Canada, and then campus comes alive. Your buildings will be bustling with educational and social activities designed to help ease your transition to first year. You won’t find this experience anywhere else, so read below to see how you can get the most out of Residence!


Sophs and Staff are your new older siblings.

During OWeek, our Sophs will bring the spirit, help you move in and make sure you know where to go. Coffee isn’t necessary — their cheers, chants and dancing will wake you up and make you not want to miss all the hype. They may look strange covered from head to toe in paint or wearing upside-down visors, but they genuinely want to help you along with our Residence Staff in the purple Western polos. More than 350 student leaders are paired with our Residence buildings throughout the year too, so reach out to them for advice and academic tips.

The FOMO struggle is real.

Your year will be packed with so many events, and even though attendance is voluntary, try and come to as many as you can. You’ll surely be focusing on your studies, but it’s also so important to dedicate downtime to destress — so why not have fun while you’re at it? Residence is your chance to meet those friends who will become like family.

Student using computer in residence

You'll find your crew.

Ask the upper-years, the One Love Rally was likely their favourite OWeek event and it will give you all the feels. Powerful personal testimonials will open your eyes to tough topics and will create an atmosphere where you feel connected to over 5,000 other first-years all at once. But there are so many events and opportunities like this that will introduce you to so many new people with the same interests as you. Who knows, maybe one of these events will inspire you to join or start a club on campus!

You'll learn new dances, building cheers

Don’t know how to leo or dutty? You’ll find out what this means soon enough. You’ll also learn that in Residence we encourage you to take care of yourself, take care of each other and take care of this place. We respect and accept everyone while abiding by a Commitment to Diversity at all times.


It doesn't end after OWeek.

Residence is about finding yourself, while providing an environment and resources for a successful first year. Our Residence Staff and Sophs will always be resources you can count on. Also, you’d be surprised how radiant an atmosphere can be when a bunch of passionate people get together. We host academic and social programming events all year round, and educate you on topics like environmental sustainability, wellness, alcohol awareness, consent, diversity and so much more. Step out of your comfort zone and this year will be one you won’t soon forget.

Once you’re here, you may find you don’t want your year in Residence to end. Not to worry - you can live on in your upper years, or apply to be a student leader.