Key Steps

Residence at Western really is a place for everyone, and we have different layouts to suit every lifestyle. Learn about the process to book your spot in one of our many on-campus accommodations below.

First-Year Students

Accepting your residence offer is easy. Residence is GUARANTEED to incoming first-year students as long as you meet our eligibility requirements and deadlines:

  • You must be coming to Western directly from high-school.
  • You are single and do not require accommodation with dependents. See our University Apartments or Platt's Lane Estates for family accommodation.
  • You have received an offer of full-time, first-year admission to Western's main campus by mid-May.
  • You are a registered student at Western's Main Campus. Huron and King's students are not eligible for residence on main campus.
  • You must also complete your Residence Placement Questionnaire and submit your Residence prepayment by the deadline.

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria above, you may apply to live in residence via the myHousing Portal. The Housing Office will reach out to you in June and continuing through summer as vacancies occur. 

All students who meet these deadlines and eligibility go through the same randomized process for building selection, with the exception of some scholarships. For more information on scholarships and our process, please review our Building Assignments FAQ.

Step 1

If you receive a guaranteed residence offer with your Western academic offer, log in to our myHousing Portal to complete your Residence Placement Questionnaire before the deadline. This is where you will rank your building choices, complete a lifestyle questionnaire so we can match you with a suitable roommate, or provide your preferred roommate's name if you have someone in mind! To learn more about our roommate selection process, read our FAQ.

What if I'm waitlisted?
First-year undergraduate students not meeting the guaranteed residence eligibility requirements above will be sent residence waiting list information with the academic offer (e.g., students with previous post-secondary education, mature students, those who have received late academic offers).

Step 2

Make your Residence prepayment prior to the deadline. Otherwise, your residence offer may be canceled. You will be able to do this at the end of the Residence Placement Questionnaire using your MasterCard or Visa credit card, or MasterCard or Visa debit card by logging into the myHousing Portal. Once your prepayment has been received, you will receive a confirmation email and we will start the building placement process. Ensure you're regularly checking your Western email account for communications from the University.

Step 3

You will receive your residence building assignment via email, and direction to complete the Residence Onboarding Process. This is where you can view your Residence Contract and move-in details. Your residence charges will be included on your statement of account in your Student Center along with your tuition fees.

Step 4

Your residence prepayment will be applied towards your statement of account in July, accessible via your Student Center.

Step 5

Read our Move-In Planning Guide which includes information on what to pack, move-in day schedule, and OWeek details. You will meet your roommate as well as find out your room number on your move-in day.


Upper-Year Students

Upper-year students can apply to live in residence through the myHousing PortalAlumni House and London Hall are exclusively for upper-year students, ensuring a more catered living experience.

You can apply individually and allow us to match you with a suitemate, or you can form a roommate group with up to four friends through the myHousing Portal. Students with accessibility needs are encouraged to complete a Residence Accessibility Request along with their application on the myHousing Portal.

Building assignments are made on a first-come, first-served basis—with single rooms guaranteed.

Other options for upper-year students to consider include Western's on-campus apartments or browsing our Off-Campus Housing listing website.