Three Styles, Twelve Buildings

Every building has everything you need for a successful academic year, but we’ll leave it to you to find the best fit for your lifestyle. Schedule a tour, or check out a profile of each of our residence buildings below.

Accept Your Residence Offer

Every Building Features:


24-hr Front Desk Access


Workout Room


Laundry Facilities


Music Practice Room*


Study and Floor Lounge


Regular Sanitization


Building-Wide Wifi

*Except Clare Hall

Traditional-Style Buildings

Traditional-style residences are known for making the closest connections, where your floormates become like your family.

Suite-Style Buildings

Geared toward more independent living, in Suite-Style you’ll look after more of your own domestic responsibilities, including the option to cook some of your own meals in a shared kitchen.


*Alumni House and London Hall are exclusively upper-year residences.

Hybrid-Style Buildings

This style boasts the best of both worlds! You’ll have a roommate living in the same room as you, but you’ll have more privacy in this semi-private style.

All rates shown are for September 2025 - April 2026 and are subject to change/approval by Western's Senate and Board of Governors.


View Building Comparison

With twelve buildings, across three styles, and many amenities, there's a lot to know about what's offered in each building. Simplify your search and learn how the buildings stack up by viewing our residence comparison chart.

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